ZONAL FORUMS of Narcotics Anonymous

At the WSC 1992 in Dallas, the following motion was approved: “The World Service Conference affirms that zonal forums, as service-oriented sharing sessions that provide means by which NA communities can communicate, cooperate, and grow with one another, are valuable components of NA. We support the continued work of the zonal forums that exist today worldwide and encourage any further efforts NA communities may take to support one another”.
Although in this motion the WSC recognizes the existence and value of forums such as the EDM, it nonetheless did not imply nor give any formal or official role/place to zonal forums within the NA service structure.

At the WSC 2018 in Los Angeles, motion#18 was approved: “That any Zonal Forum with two or more zonally seated regions or communities that are not seated at the World Service Conference may choose to send one Zonal Delegate to the World Service Conference to represent those regions or communities”.

Zonal Delegates became voting members when in attendance at the World Service Conference, with voting rights (one vote), equivalent to Regional Delegates, to provide representation at the World Service Conference for the numerous unseated NA communities around the world.

15 Zonal Forums


European Delegates Meeting www.edmna.org
Russian-Speaking Zonal Forum www.na-russia.org
Asia Pacific Forum www.apfna.org
Afri-can Zonal Forum www.naafrica.org
Brazil Zonal Forum www.na.org.br
Latin American Zonal Forum www.forozonalatino.org
Canadian Assembly www.canaacna.org
Western States Zonal Forum www.wszf.org
Rocky Mountain Zonal Forum www./rmfna.org
Plains States Zonal Forum
Midwest Zonal Forum
North East Zonal Forum www.nezf.org
Autonomy Zonal Forum www.autonomyzonalforum.org
Southeastern Zonal Forum www.sezf.org
Southern Zonal Forum www.szfna.org


European Delegates Meeting (PDF, 3400 kB)
Russian-Speaking Zonal Forum (PDF, 2900 kB)
Asia Pacific Forum (PDF, 3300 kB)
Afri-can Zonal Forum (PDF, 3700 kB)
Brazil Zonal Forum (PDF, 3800 kB)
Latin American Zonal Forum (PDF, 3300 kB)
Canadian Assembly (PDF, 3400 kB)
Western States Zonal Forum (PDF, 5000 kB)
Rocky Mountain Zonal Forum (PDF, 5000 kB)
Plains States Zonal Forum
 (PDF, 5000 kB)
Midwest Zonal Forum
 (PDF, 5000 kB)
North East Zonal Forum (PDF, 5000 kB)
Autonomy Zonal Forum (PDF, 5000 kB)
Southeastern Zonal Forum (PDF, 5000 kB)
Southern Zonal Forum (PDF, 4000 kB)


ZD Webinars

Our Zonal Delegates provide monthly ZD webinars for Regional Delegates to discuss CAR motions and anything concerning service within the EDM.

Virtual Zonal Meeting

On behalf of the EDM our Zonal Delegates participate virtually in the NAWS «Role of Zones Project», and meet with other Zones to improve future zonal collaboration.

WSC Motions

Information on voting results of some CAR (Conference Agenda Report) motions from the last World Service Conference (Motions 4-5, 8-14, 21-22, 39).