The EDM is a European-based Forum of multilingual and multicultural NA communities, whose mission is to further their common welfare and unity, discuss issues of mutual concern, exchange ideas, and share experiences to further their primary purpose of carrying the NA message to the still-suffering addict.
EDM is a Non-profit Association. The association was set up to help the body function legally as a Zonal Forum of Narcotics Anonymous.
The EDM does not have a service office as such. Our legal association is based in Brussels and our address is the same as the NA World Service Office in Europe.
EDM is one of 14 Zonal Forums of Narcotics Anonymous, which exists throughout the whole world. Zonal Forums provide an opportunity for World Service and World Board to better understand the needs and challenges of NA communities.
The EDM meets twice a year: One SUMMER EDM is held at the same place and date as the ECCNA and one WINTER EDM is held at a location/community agreed on by the body.
The EDM is conducted in English, so when possible communities should select delegates who speak English. As most participants are not native English speaking (our participants speak about 28 different native languages), we try to speak slowly and clearly, avoiding any colloquial terms. Any participants can ask for clarification at any time during the EDM.
All EDM conferences are held as hybrid meetings. Visitors are invited to follow the conference online. A link will be provided on request.
Regional Delegates
Delegates are the voice of the individual communities. They carry the experience of their communities to the EDM, and share challenges and solutions with other delegates. They also report on events such as conventions, developments, and the growth of fellowships within their zone. In turn, they carry the experience back to other communities. They are elected by individual NA communities. Currently, 32 regions participating at the EDM.
What We Do
Community Dialogue
The first day of the EDM Meeting is for Delegates to share experiences, ask questions, and share solutions about Service efforts in their region or report about challenges in their fellowship.
Committee Reports
EDM Trusted Servants report about their activities and projects in between the conference cycle (Steering Committee, FD Committee, PR Committee, Zonal Delegates, Media Coordinator).
EDM Workgroups
We have workgroups to support the delegates each time a subject requires to be developed. They meet online in between conferences and help to make better decisions.